Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Erika Robinson

it wouldn’t surprise me one bit to see them kick it down to a lower court. Stupid really, as no one has total immunity.

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No one SHOULD.

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Jun 14Liked by Erika Robinson

The cards speak truth, plain and simple. If each of the justices could read your post, I trust they’d each see accuracy in your words.

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Them: "Mandy, how did you come to understand politics so well?"

Me: "Through Erika and her Lenormand."

Fascinating stuff, Erika. I can also see that, like the tarot, lenormand can be a sneaky little literal mirror. The way you explain them, some of these cards seem so obvious!

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lol! I love this comment! My hope and intention is threefold, always: to help people process all the stuff happening, to give them something well-written to enjoy, and to make the case that Lenormand’s language is accessible, eloquent, and clear! Thank you for saying that it seems so to you through these articles! 💖

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You've made Lenormand all of these things! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 And you already know how I feel about your writing. I know my A-B-Cs, but if you've written them, I'm reading it.

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